Monday, January 18, 2010

Final PLAN B ... for now

VIDEO: Beany and her stud muffin Jack really skate

Yes friends, this is the last installment of  PLAN B... for now!
What's going to happen with Beany and her younger crush?
Well there's lot's more to that story!

But as of Friday I'm going to begin posting Beany's backstory because there are so many new PLAN B subscribers.  Let me knowif you want off the Email list - no hard feelings.

Thank you for your many comments and Emails of encouragment.

Now -  in answer to the question Is Jack, Jack? And is Beany me? Well, yes and no.  Jack and I DID meet at a roller skating rink and yes, that's us skating in the video.  Another fiftish woman skater friend said that "the spinning guy," kept watching me.
I happened to be wearing a little plaid skating skirt. I later found out  "a Catholic schoolgirl on skates," was Jack's greatest sexual fantasy.  I decided he was too young, but still kept watching him too, and eventually I got over it.
Stay tuned

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